Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Homemade yogurt

Okay, well as you know (if you've read back posts), my goal for this week had originally been to make yogurt, but then I changed it to bread (which I'll be making later today). Someone told me to do the yogurt too and I caved to peer pressure. :-D So yesterday I made yogurt with 1/2 gallon of whole milk and 1/2 cup of Aldi's brand yogurt which has live and active cultures. Today it's finished and my daughter had it for breakfast and she was NUTS over it!! She had 3 (very small) bowls. Now, granted, my kiddo can eat like no one else in this world but still, that's a lot!! I found the recipe on here.

Don't mind the messy kitchen. We're moving in 2.5 weeks and everything is such a disaster!

First I started with 8 cups (1/2 gallon) of whole milk. I put that in the crock pot on low for 2 1/2 hours.

After the 2 1/2 hours was up, I unplugged the crockpot and left the lid on for 3 hours (guess I forgot to take a picture of it unplugged, but you can imagine it :-D!)

At three hours, I scooped out 2 cups of the warm milk and put it in a bowl and whisked in 1/2 cup of the live and active yogurt (the starter).

I put the yogurt and milk mixture back in the crock pot and put the cover back on. Then I tucked it in to bed over night with a big fluffy towel (still unplugged).

In the morning, the yogurt was DONE! It was actually pretty thick...or so I thought. But I usually buy the light yogurt, and that was what the consistency was. You can also add 2 tablespoons of dry milk or gelatin to thicken it up. I bought some dried milk and plan on trying that next time, especially since I want to use lowfat milk instead of whole milk. For us, the yogurt plain was not tasty enough so I added in some honey, which made it oh so good!! I also added in blueberries to my daughters breakfast. From what I read, adding in the fruit ahead of time can make it more watery so I'm just going to add it in as we eat it.

I debated about putting a picture of my kiddo on here, but it was just too funny not to share a picture of her with her mouth WIDE open, eating the blueberry and honey yogurt.

VOILA!! Very VERY yummy! It made so much, that I gave some to my grandma!! And I can't believe how EASY it was!!! MUCH cheaper then buying yogurt too.


  1. Super easy, huh? I made somethis morning and set up a bowl and strainer lined w/ a birdseye diaper flat (unused of course) and strained the whey off of the yogurt. I meant to only do that for half an hour or so, but got busy and forgot. Six hours later I remembered and checked on it. Cream cheese, anyone? I mixed in some all natural strawberry spread and it is perfect for bagels. Also scooped some out and made cream cheese frosting for the cinnamon rolls that are rising as I speak. I can't wait. I'm glad yours turned out well too.

  2. that's how you make cream cheese? really? Wow, I have so much to learn ha-ha. I'll have to put that in my week, homemade PASTA!

  3. 101 things 2 do with yogurt...n most of the recipes r useable! I made applesause last summer n messed up (added way 2 much spice!) Anyway, its still good 4 toppings, yogurt, ice cream etc. I use it in fruit cobblers 2 so I don't have 2 add so much sugar. A little bit goes along way...which is y I still have 8 jars...Ill bring u some when I come visit ur mamma!

  4. awesome, thanks :)

    We're also thinking about trying frozen yogurt pops. My husband LOVES to mix plane yogurt with the Organic Jam we buy at's 100% fruit and soo yummy.
