Monday, March 22, 2010

Updates and Randomness!

Oh boy, it's been a week since I blogged! I couldn't take it anymore, I am taking the splint off for a few minutes so I can play catch up! Thankfully, the cortizone shot is doing me a lot of good and the splint helps as well so right now, I'm not in any pain.

We're just a few short days from moving and I feel like we still have SO much left to do! We're trying to do this move as thriftily as possible. We're not renting a Uhaul and we haven't bought any packing supplies other then tape. My husband has been able to get boxes from his job and we've used the newspapers I buy for coupons and clothing to pad our things. I decided that this time around, I'm going to pack up my dishes, glasses, pots and pans and other kitchen items that I use on a daily basis on the very last day. Because of my thumb, I'm really not able to help with moving the boxes so I'll be doing the cleaning as my husband, his friend and my brother move us. I'm going to put our dishes and stuff into bags and boxes to be moved in the front seat so that I can have access to them right away in the new place. If all goes as planned, the only day that I won't be cooking is that day that we move. We'll order pizza for everyone. Although, I am seriously considering making up a couple of pizzas the night before. It's SO easy to make the dough and sauce and probably tastes better then take out! But I don't know if I'm that ambitious. Moving day, we'll use paper plates that we have leftovers from our daughters baptism and first birthday.

I know, this is the most exciting post you've read on this blog so far right?! :) Sorry about that everyone. I hope you're all still checking in even though I haven't updated in a few days. I DID put up a new thrifty tip and recipe for Monday (which I'm striving to do on Mondays btw!) and I updated my menu for the week. If you've paid really close attention, you may have noticed that my menu has been going up on different days. That's because I'm still working out what day to start my menu on. I was doing my grocery shopping on Wednesdays because of Rainbows double days but now I'm doing my Aldi's shopping trip on Tuesdays, which may change once I start child care but I can't say that for sure.

I have a pretty small grocery list for this week. I was pretty lucky about 1.5 weeks ago, my mom got us about 5.5 lbs of hamburger and I was stocked up on ham and chicken already so my freezer is packed full of meat. Rainbow Foods DOES have beef roast on sale for $1.99 a lb this week so I'll definitely be getting some of that! I have a rule not to pay more then $1.99 a lb for meat  unless I get free items with it, so there are meats that we don't often eat. Beef roast, steak etc. So my husband is pretty darn excited about the beef roast we'll be getting on Wednesday. I don't have it on the menu for this week though. He'll have to wait 2 weeks for it. Next week, we'll be going up north to his grandmas house for about a week so there won't be a menu for that week.

This was just a brief update. Now that my thumb is feeling a million times better, I'll get back into it! I have some more followers from Friday follow which is super exciting!! I'm checking out their blogs and I'm sure I'll be following them back! Just four more followers away and I'll be hosting a giveaway! Keep your eyes out for that!

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